Why InformedDNA

Genomics Expertise You Can Trust

The genomics revolution holds great promise for healthcare. But it’s moving too quickly for most practitioners to keep up. As the leading innovator of applied genomic solutions, it’s our mission at InformedDNA to help.

With the nation’s largest and most experienced team of genetics specialists, and the right technologies to deliver real-time genomics insights and solutions, we’re helping health plans, life sciences organizations, and healthcare providers to optimize clinical decisions and fully leverage the benefits of precision medicine.

Stay at the Forefront of Precision Medicine with InformedDNA’s Broad, Deep Genomics Expertise

Our solutions are designed for clinicians, by clinicians. This means that they provide guidance per indication, not by genetic test. They are are easy to integrate into clinical workflows. They deliver consultative provider support when needed. And, they are authentically focused on the patient. 

Unrivaled Clinical Genomics Experience

Meet our in-house team of experts who have knowledge and experience across the full breadth of genomic specialties and subspecialties.

Real World Application of Genomic Science

We translate genomics expertise into evidence-based policies and real world solutions.

Valuable Partners for Healthcare Providers

Augment services with expert peer-to-peer consultation on complex cases, improving patient outcomes.

Authentically Patient-Centered Since 2007

Our heritage of clinical genetic counseling guides us to be resolute advocates for patients.

Advance Precision Medicine Therapies

Improve clinical study and trial outcomes and post-market success while mitigating research costs.

Optimize Genomic Benefits for Members

Our unique, holistic approach addresses clinical guidance, patient navigation, and cost management.

According to an InformedDNA study,

more than 90%

of genetic tests were ordered by non-genetics providers.

And, few non-genetics providers report having complete confidence in providing genetic information to patients and consistently report a lack of formal training in genetics. Despite this lack of formal training, many still routinely order genomic testing.

Let’s talk about your needs!

Thank you for considering InformedDNA as your applied genomics solutions company. Please let us know how we can help meet your needs.

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Your Trusted Partner in Applying Genomic Science

InformedDNA is the nation’s first telehealth genomics services company. Our real-world clinical guidance, cost management and patient navigation solutions are built upon the most current genomics insights and are designed to optimize clinical decisions across the care delivery spectrum.

The efforts of InformedDNA to ensure access to genetic testing and counseling are an essential step to support the clinical development of genomic medicines and could benefit millions of patients suffering from rare and genetic diseases.

– Head of Global Commercial at a leading pharmaceutical company

Pharmaceutical Expert

Effective Genomic Benefits Management

Genomics is a rapidly advancing and technically complex discipline that is hindered by expensive tests and treatments. It’s challenging for health plans and healthcare providers to stay abreast of scientific research and the applicable uses of new discoveries.

Effective GBM takes a holistic approach that reduces the complexity of genomics through a comprehensive methodology that brings clarity to decision-making and furthers the tenets of value-based care.

Clinical guidance.  An evidenced-based framework for member care informs the development of clinically applicable guidelines that reduce abrasion, increase adoption, and deliver clinical value.

Cost management. Smart algorithms, expert-powered logic, and analytics manage genomic test and treatment utilization, eliminating unnecessary or inappropriate costs without compromising on patient outcomes.

Patient navigation. Genetic counseling, education, and support removes the friction and uncertainty caused by insufficient knowledge, identifies opportunities for value-driven genomic interventions, and empowers informed decision-making.

Support for Precision Medicine Therapeutic Pipelines

The rise in precision medicine, clinical trial protocols, and post-market programs have become increasingly complex. With more than half of clinical trials incorporating genetic testing, many pharmaceutical companies partner need to partner with genomics solutions companies to provide pre- and post-test genetic counseling to help expedite the FDA approval process.

Utilizing a collaborative approach, InformedDNA’s solutions help leading pharmaceutical companies to develop and implement genetics-informed strategies to improve clinical trial outcomes.

Working with a team of genetic experts and board-certified genetic counselors, clients are able to mitigate study costs, implement and manage programs for rare disease clinical trials that:

Optimize Patient Identification: Unrivaled patient and genetic testing database enables easier identification of hard-to-find patient populations.  

Full-Service Study Coordination: IRB-approved screening tools that simplify the genetic testing process and reduce barriers to clinical trial enrollment.

Post-Market Access: Utilize trusted, independent genetic experts to draft coverage policies, navigate discussions with payers and optimize coverage criteria.

Trusted Genetic Counseling Partner for Healthcare Providers

Nationwide access to the largest, lab-independent genetic counseling staff:

  • Address genetic counseling staffing needs by partnering with InformedDNA to be your remote, full-service genetics provider or to augment your existing services.
  • Provide convenient access to genetic experts with genetic counselors available for day, evening, and weekend appointments via phone or video.
  • Meet the needs of providers and patients by utilizing an automated online patient referral process, direct messaging capabilities, and robust reporting to help integrate our genetic counseling program into your workflow and internal processes.

Our Latest Thinking on Genomics

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