Patient Navigation

Inform Genomics-Related Decisions

Genomics is a fast-developing field with so many clinical applications that provider and patient decisions are often based upon insufficient or outdated knowledge, resulting in requests for genomic tests and therapies that deliver little or no benefit. 

Effective genomic benefits management (GBM) navigates patients through the genomic testing and treatment process and provides clinical guidance to healthcare professionals, resulting in informed decision-making that reduces inappropriate spend and optimizes care.

Optimize Member Care

An effective GBM strategy has the power to drive early intervention, treatment through ongoing patient navigation and support, thus improving patient outcomes.

Member Engagement

Deliver a high-touch experience that increases member satisfaction and optimizes treatment decisions.

Provider Education

Genetic experts guide and educate providers, increasing evidence-based genetic testing and treatment decisions. 

Patient Navigation

Genetic counseling helps patients understand their care options and make informed decisions about which tests and treatments may be right for them.


Of Members

who received counseling made an informed decision not to pursue genomic testing

Let’s talk about your needs!

Thank you for considering InformedDNA as your applied genomics solutions company. Please let us know how we can help meet your needs.

(Please do not include any protected health information (PHI) in your message to us.)

Required Information*

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The efforts of InformedDNA to ensure access to genetic testing and counseling are an essential step to support the clinical development of genomic medicines and could benefit millions of patients suffering from rare and genetic diseases.

– Head of Global Commercial at a leading pharmaceutical company

Client Testimonial


of oncologists order next-generation sequencing tests

< 9%

of those patients are eligible for FDA-approved genomic-driven therapies

< 5%

of those patients would benefit from that therapy

Prevent Inappropriate Testing

Nearly 30% of prior authorization requests for genomic tests do not meet evidence-based requirements. Furthermore, while the benefit is great for eligible candidates, few patients can benefit from genome-driven therapies. Health plans realize up to a 40% reduction in genomic testing costs by avoiding inappropriate testing through a genomic expert-guided program.

Optimize Appropriate Access

What may be worse than overutilization of inappropriate tests is underutilization of appropriate testing. Patients can’t achieve good outcomes if they miss the opportunity to get medically necessary testing, or when the inability to interpret results leads to suboptimal treatment. Effective GBM provides the navigation and support to drive early intervention and optimize treatment.

Increase Patient Satisfaction

Poor access to genomics expertise decreases member confidence about genomics-related testing and treatment decisions. On the other hand, direct access to genomics experts who can explain the benefits, limitations, and risks of genetic testing specific to their condition, provides a satisfying patient experience. 

Instead of feeling like their health plan isn’t covering a service they need, patients feel confident and empowered in the decision-making process to make an informed choice. In fact, nearly a third of patients who receive pre-test counseling make the informed decision not to pursue genetic testing. 

Our Latest Thinking on Genomics

Your Trusted Partner in Applying Genomic Science

InformedDNA is the nation’s first telehealth genomics services company. Our real-world clinical guidance, cost management and patient navigation solutions are built upon the most current genomics insights and are designed to optimize clinical decisions across the care delivery spectrum.

We have helped manage the health benefits of more than 100 million covered lives and have navigated hundreds of thousands of people to the right treatments or clinical trials.

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