Improve Clinical Trial Outcomes While Mitigating Risks and Costs

Proven Support for Precision Medicine and Rare Disease Therapeutic Pipelines — from Clinical Trial Planning to Post-market Success

InformedDNA is the leading applied genomics solutions company that can qualify, engage, counsel, and support patients for clinical studies and trials through:

  • Patient eligibility screening and recruitment
  • Genetic data validation and compliance
  • Post-market access

Genomics Experts for Clinical Trials, Natural History Studies, and Post-Market Access Programs

Meet the challenges of patient recruitment and genetic data validation in precision medicine clinical trials and maximize post-market success in targeted populations.

Patient Recruitment

Uncover targeted populations at the community level, leveraging proven telegenetics methods to screen clinical trial candidates and target communication to the healthcare providers managing these rare disease patients.

Genetic Data Validation

Leverage impactful genetic data from clinical trial participants while meeting stringent guidelines for data collection, use, and storage.

Post-Market Access

Ensure post-market success by identifying rare disease therapy candidates in their communities and ensuring successful coverage policies with health plans.

Success for a New Gene Therapy

Learn from a leading pharmaceutical company overcoming challenges in identifying affected patients and encouraging the adoption of genetic testing into community physician practices.

Clinical Trials

Learn how two leading biopharma companies accelerated frontotemporal dementia clinical trials by leveraging genomics expertise.

Diversity in
Clinical Trials

Improve stakeholder participation and outcomes of clinical trials with a more diverse group of patients.

Improve Clinical Trial Outcomes With Genetics-Informed Strategies

With the rise in precision medicine, clinical trial protocols and post-market programs have become increasingly complex, leading to greater opportunities by integrating genomics expertise. Our team of experts are experienced in working with leading pharmaceutical companies to develop and implement genetics-informed strategies to improve your clinical trial outcomes. Our optimized offerings address these obstacles:

  • More than half of clinical trials incorporate genetic testing. It’s more important than ever to work with an experienced team of clinical genetics specialists like ours.
  • Genetic testing lends itself to inefficient processes and high-cost programs. Our services help to reduce clinical trial costs and reduce the time to enrollment of these trials, thereby helping to increase margins.
  • We specialize in rare genetic diseases. The expertise in this area and our longevity as a leading genetics services provider allows us to leverage a database of nearly 100,000 physicians who order genetic tests.
  • We are lab agnostic. Our unbiased approach towards test ordering empowers us to determine the right test for the right patient at the best lab.
  • We have strong relationships with national and regional health plans. Effective management of precision medicine requires policies and claims systems – we help you integrate these with diagnostic and therapeutic activities.

Let’s talk about your needs!

Thank you for considering InformedDNA as your applied genomics solutions company. Please let us know how we can help meet your needs.

Please do not include any protected health information (PHI) in your message to us.

Required Information*

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Your Trusted Partner in Applying Genomic Science

InformedDNA is the nation’s first telehealth genomics services company. Our real-world clinical guidance, cost management and patient navigation solutions are built upon the most current genomics insights and are designed to optimize clinical decisions across the care delivery spectrum.

We have helped manage the health benefits of more than 100 million covered lives and have navigated hundreds of thousands of people to the right treatments or clinical trials.

The efforts of InformedDNA to ensure access to genetic testing and counseling are an essential step to support the clinical development of genomic medicines and could benefit millions of patients suffering from rare and genetic diseases.

– Head of Global Commercial at a leading pharmaceutical company

Client Testimonial

Optimize genomics-related decision making with solutions for:

Health Plans

Collaborate with genomics experts to augment clinical care for your patients.

Healthcare Providers

Drive harmonized results across genomics-based care, cost and access.

Life Sciences

Power your precision medicine studies and clinical trials with genomics expertise and patient navigation services.


Let us guide you through your complex health decisions.

Access Support That Is Uniquely Suited to Precision Medicine

Improve research and clinical trial outcomes and the post-market success of precision healthcare.


Patient satisfaction for our life sciences programs

For one client’s program, our genetic counseling program identified on average
12 at-risk

family members for each patient identified with the gene mutation being studied


Satisfaction from sponsor clients


Patient satisfaction for our life sciences programs
For one client’s program, our genetic counseling program identified on average

12 at-risk

family members for each patient identified with the gene mutation being studied


Satisfaction from sponsor clients

Why Pharma/Biotech Sponsors and CROs Partner With Us

  • Access genomics expertise in trial design and data review
  • Reduce clinical trial costs and time to enrollment
  • Utilize clinical genetics experts to engage rare disease patients
  • Obtain lab-agnostic referrals
  • Leverage in-network access to many health plans

Ensure Post-Market Success

  • Leverage in-network access to many health plans
  • Variant of uncertain significance (VUS) resolution support
  • Genotype/phenotype data analysis and review
  • Collection of patient-reported outcomes
  • Detailed reporting insights

Navigate the Complex Process of FDA Approval​

Learn how we helped a pharmaceutical company navigate the complex process of FDA approval for treatment of a rare disease and accelerated the clinical trial through:

    • Telemedicine services delivery
    • Rare disease genomics expertise
    • Patient identification
    • Genetic test result interpretation and disclosure
    • At-risk family member identification and engagement

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