Genomics is a technically complex discipline with a growing number of expensive tests and treatments. However, rapid advances in genomics currently far outpace the resources that most health plans are able to allocate to keep up with the developments. Although genomics now informs diagnoses and treatments that often cross medical specialties, plans are challenged to translate the molecular advances to the precise circumstances under which they will deliver clinical benefit.

Unfortunately, in this evolving space, traditional benefits management paradigms tend not to produce optimal outcomes. Health plans need solutions that go beyond the typical single-discipline evidence review to stay abreast of the scientific advances and understand when and how they can be applied to improving member care while ensuring responsible cost management. However, few health plans currently experience the benefit of a holistic genomic benefits management (GBM) strategy.

There are several key elements that health plans should consider – learn more in our complimentary ebook. Just fill out the short form on the right to download your copy today!

Learn more about our expert genetics services for health plans. Or, if you’re ready to chat, email us at; or, call us at 844-846-3763.

Download your copy of the ebook, “The Future of Genomic Benefits Management: A Holistic Approach to Benefits Optimization”

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