Evidence-based Genomics Guidance for Health Plans

Using our subscription service, you can equip your plan’s medical directors, clinical reviewers, policy writers and coders with ready-to-apply policy criteria, clinical utility reviews, and molecular coding guidance to ensure that your members have access to the highest quality genomics-based care.

InformedGENOMICSTM provides the most current, comprehensive genomics policy guidance, at your fingertips.

InformedGENOMICSTM Features

  • Coverage Guidelines: Evidence-based policy criteria for genetic testing coverage guidelines across all specialties 
  • CPT® Code Insights: Curated molecular CPT codes by condition category; quarterly updates on new molecular codes 
  • Reference Library: Comprehensive, cited evidence reviews and references pertaining to hundreds of genetic conditions
  • Decision Aids: Step-by-step workflows for consistent and reliable genomics policy application by indication

Make the Application of Genomic Science Easier

The sheer number of emerging genomic technologies and therapeutics can be overwhelming, especially as utilization is increasing.

With rising demand for coverage and new genetic tests entering the market daily, health plans need a comprehensive resource that can help reviewers consistently and efficiently evaluate the latest applications of genomic science for clinical utility. 

InformedGENOMICSTM supports your plan in tackling the most acute challenges with genomics, such as the rapid evolution of evidence and lack of in-house specialty expertise. These challenges currently necessitate costly outsourcing and pressures to constantly roll out coverage policy updates.

This subscription-based service for national and regional health plans offers consistent guidance and enables confident decision-making that is in line with the most current evidence, and with step-by-step support.

Extend Your Clinical Policy Team with Our Genomics Experts

A traditional approach to policy development does not apply to the field of genomics because of the rapid introduction of novel technologies, paucity of published evidence supporting clinical utility, and heavy market pressures. 

The clinical policy that drives prior authorization and other approaches to utilization management (UM) needs to be viewed through a genomics-specific lens to meet the pace of development and increasingly complex demands of the genetic testing landscape. 

InformedGENOMICSTM complements and augments your existing clinical policy programs by leveraging the depth of InformedDNA’s 15+ years of genomics experience. 

And, additional services, such as consulting on government policy application and appeal navigation, can further augment your in-house expertise.

Schedule your InformedGENOMICSTM demo!

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Your Trusted Partner in Applying Genomic Science

InformedDNA is the nation’s first telehealth genomics services company. Our real-world clinical guidance, cost management and patient navigation solutions are built upon the most current genomics insights and are designed to optimize clinical decisions across the care delivery spectrum.

We have helped manage the health benefits of more than 135 million covered lives and have navigated hundreds of thousands of people to the right prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or clinical trial.

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