Founded in 2007 as the first telehealth genetics services company in the U.S., we offer the largest staff of experienced genetic specialists, providing coverage across all genetics specialties and across all states, with licensure in states that require it. InformedDNA isn’t lab-owned or lab-sponsored, so our counselors have no conflicts of interest in advising ordering providers and patients on the most appropriate use of genetic tests and results.


An open letter to our Genetic Counselors from our Chief Medical Officer, Rebecca Sutphen, MD, FACMGG:

“To our very special genetic counselors,

Of all the wonderful clinical colleagues I have had the privilege to work with over my career — doctors, nurses, PAs, occupational and physical therapists, nutritionists, even acupuncturists, there is no group I have loved working with more, no group more wicked smart, or caring, or committed, or high EQ than genetic counselors.  You are truly the cream of the healthcare crop!  Thank you for all you do visibly and behind the scenes to make people’s lives better every day. What a calling!

Thank you not only for all you do but even more so for who you are — the special kind of people who inspired and exemplify our Chromie Values. Never forget what a Rock Star you are!

With deepest respect, admiration, and appreciation,

Dr. Rebecca Sutphen
Co-founder and CMO”

Keep scrolling to learn some of our GC’s whys for choosing this profession and find out what inspires them.

Danielle Gelb_Genetic Counselor_My why Susan Thompson_Genetic Counselor_My why

Watch Danielle Gelb, MS, CGC, and Susan Thompson, MS, CGC share their heart-felt “why’s” for becoming a GC.

You can also read what inspires a few other of our GCs in their interactions 

with patients. 






I became a Genetic Counselor because I wanted to help people. I wanted to help people understand complicated, very relevant information and to help them plan and make decisions that were best for them and their families. I always loved science and genetics specifically and I knew I somehow wanted to incorporate that into a career. This is a great field for people who have a desire to be lifelong learners because genetics and medicine are ever-evolving. And there will always be a space for people, like Genetic Counselors, to help translate the science into information that is helpful and relevant to patients. I show up to work every day knowing that what I do does make a difference and has the potential to change someone’s life in very impactful ways.


The concept of helping people understand the complexities of human genetics, their own genetics, was a light bulb moment for me. GCing is the perfect splice of complicated science and human interaction. There’s nothing more personal than our genetics, it’s what makes us who we are. Walking someone through the journey of understanding their own genetic differences and the medical implications those differences may have for them or their loved ones is a privilege. I get to work with people every day from all backgrounds and walks of life, and I help them navigate what genetic testing or a genetic diagnosis means for them. Knowing that I’ve helped someone make the best decision for them at this time, or being with someone as they begin to adjust to a new normal fills my cup.


I was drawn to genetic counseling as it was the perfect joining of science and psychology. I was able to work with families impacted by genetic conditions to assist in decision-making and understanding the impact in a way that is meaningful. I now use my experience in direct patient care to impact access to appropriate genetic care from a public health perspective. It’s gratifying to play a role in the complicated world of genetics.


My “why” for being a genetic counselor is to help people through some of the most challenging times in their lives. When I was young, my grandmother had Alzheimer’s disease. Growing up, I wondered if this was a condition that the rest of my family members could develop as well. I was introduced to genetic counseling through my high school biology class where we watched a video of a genetic counselor helping a family understand their chances of developing Huntington’s disease. This made an impression on me given my family experience. My love of genetics drew me to the sciences, but the opportunity to help individuals and families navigate the complex experience of genetic testing inspired me to become a genetic counselor. 


Every genetic counselor I have ever known was compassionate, competent and confident.

We always advocate for patients and seek the best path, not the easiest. I thought it would be a wonderful community of colleagues to join and for 16 years and counting, it has been!


If you’d like to learn more about InformedDNA and the expert genetics services we offer for health planshealth systems and hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies, please get in touch – just fill out the short form below, or give us a call: 844-846-3763.

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