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Facing a surge in genetic test options, one large regional health plan’s leadership team wanted a solution that would guarantee its providers and members access to timely guidance and evidence-based testing standards.

To maximize total market value, the health plan implemented the full suite of solution capabilities, including:

• Robust, evidence-based clinical guidelines
• Reviews of all genetic tests on the market for appropriateness
• Guidance to the right tests with clear clinical utility
• Genetic counseling for tests aligned with standard of care
• Direction of testing to in-network laboratories
• Timely and responsive clinical consultation for providers

In this case study, learn about these solutions and how they enhanced total market value and decreased PMPM spending by more than 47 percent.

If you have questions about our Genetic Benefits ManagementTM services for health plans, or would like to chat, email us at healthplans@InformedDNA.com; or, give us a call us at 844-846-3763.

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